onsdag 25 januari 2017

EADL-konferens i Köpenhamn

EADL (European Association for Distance Learning) ordnar en nordisk konferens med titeln Presence at a Distance: Technologies and Methods for Learner Engagement, i Köpenhamn 18-19 maj.

Konferensen ska handla om hur vi kan skapa mer engagemang och interaktivitet i distansutbildningar med både föreläsningar och workshops. Bland talarna finns kända namn som Gilly Salmon (University of Western Australia), Susan Aldridge (Drexel University Online),  Ger Driesen (aNewSpring), Airina Volungevičienė (Vytautas Magnus University, Lithuania), och Leah Matthews (Distance Education Accrediting Committee, USA).

- One of the perennial challenges facing the open and distance learning sector is how to ensure that learners stay engaged and committed during what is often a lengthy period of study. Learners chose the distance option for a variety of reasons: time, convenience, cost, independence. They accept the experience will not be comparable in terms of interaction to class learning or face-to-face tutorials, but they still have a need for involvement which is not always straightforward to satisfy. Sometimes the very technologies that we use to facilitate and support the learning process can themselves add to feelings of alienation. How then can we make sure that learners stay engaged? How do we create and maintain ‘presence at a distance’? Distance learning practitioners and experts from related fields will attempt to answer this question at the EADL 2017 Nordic Conference Copenhagen.

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