tisdag 4 december 2018

Ny guide om blended learning

CC BY-SA by Commonwealth of learning
Den internationella organisationen Commonwealth of Learning har publicerat en Guide to blended learning som ger lärare praktiska råd och tips om hur man blandar klassrumsundervisning med nätbaserade aktiviteter på ett pedagogiskt sätt. Den omfattande guiden beskriver hur begreppet har utvecklas, den teoretiska bakgrunden, principer för bra kursdesign, lämpliga tekniker och verktyg, exempel på synkrona och asynkrona aktiviteter samt bedömning och examination.

The Guide to Blended Learning is an introduction using technology and distance education teaching strategies with traditional, face-to-face classroom activities. This Guide has been designed to assist teachers adopt blended learning strategies through a step-by-step approach taking constructivist and design-based approach and reflecting on decisions taken to provide authentic learning experience in their own contexts. It provides a general discussion of types of blended learning in reference to the level of education, the needs of the students, and the subject being taught. This discussion and associated activities also review pedagogy, materials, and technology usage. Divided into eight chapters, each of these provide an overview video that triggers learning events for the teachers to focus and work on implementing blending learning.

Ladda ner guiden som pdf-fil.

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