torsdag 16 maj 2019

Nya modeller för kollaboration och studentmobilitet - ny rapport och webbinarier

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EADTU (European Association of Distance Teaching Universities) arrangerar en serie webbinarier 21-23 maj för att presentera och diskutera en ny rapport om studentmobilitet i Europa, Innovative Models for Collaboration and Student Mobility in Europe. Rapporten beskriver en ny syn på mobilitet som kan bestå av fysisk, virtuell och blandade former och ger goda exempel på innovativa initiativ inom europeisk högre utbildning.

Education can be organized in face to face, blended or online modes. This is also the case for mobility which always goes together with it. It can be short and long term, synchronous and asynchronous. ICT modes of teaching and learning amplify the potential of education and the mobility related to it. 
None of the forms of mobility is an alternative for replacing the other. Each form is adding to the enrichment of education, offering students the opportunity to learn international competences and skills. Hence, all forms of mobility can be offered separately or in a combination throughout a student’s study career.

Syftet med webbinarierna är att sprida rapportens resultat, visa goda exempel och skapa diskussion om framtidens möjligheter inom studentmobilitet.

  • Tisdag 21 maj, 14:00-15:30. Innovative models for International Collaboration and Mobility in Europe. Report from the EADTU Task Force and a Peer Learning Activity on Virtual Mobility. (Piet Henderikx, EADTU, The Netherlands).
    KU Leuven - Stellenbosch University Think Tank (Katrien Vanelven, KU Leuven, Belgium)
  • Onsdag 22 maj, 14:00-15:30. Open Virtual Mobility Skills – Research Results & Application in the Design of Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) (Ilona Buchem, Beuth Hochschule für Technik, Germany)
    Designing for virtual mobility: lessons learned from piloting a new approach to distance teaching (Olga Firssova, OUNL, the Netherlands).
  • Torsdag 23 maj, 14:00-15:30. Paneldiskussion om rapporten och vägen framåt.

Mer information om webbinarierna och anmälan.

Ladda ner rapporten som pdf-fil.

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