Den internationella konferensen om öppna kunskapsprojekt (Wikipedia, Wikibooks, Wikimedia Commons, Wiktionary m fl), Wikimania, hålls 14-18 augusti vid Stockholms universitet. Under konferensen får du delta i många diskussioner, workshops och möten och det finns fortfarande tid att skicka in ett bidrag (sista datum 1 juni). I år ligger fokuset på hur Wikimediarörelsen bidrar till hållbarhetsmålen.
Have you ever thought about the Wikimedia movement in terms of sustainable development? How free knowledge could have the potential to radically change peoples’ lives? Or how we through cooperation, innovation and passion actually could build a better world? Perhaps you haven’t, but we want to think about it and start a conversation. The theme of Wikimania 2019 will be: Stronger together: Wikimedia, Free Knowledge and the Sustainable Development Goals. The theme will permeate the program and guide our communication, cooperation and outward work.
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