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Student generated content, kursmaterial som skapas av studenter (Se
När studenter blir lärare). Tisdag 29 oktober (14:00-15:00) arrangerar
Högskolan i Gävle ett webbinarium om hur du som lärare kan arbeta med konceptet, med
Satish Patel,
Umeå universitet, som guide. Han kommer att diskutera frågor som:
- Hur reagerar studenter när du får skapa eget kursmaterial?
- Hur blir man en bra facilitator?
- Hur bedömer man sådana aktiviteter?
- In most undergraduate programs, the default role of students in the learning process is that of content consumer where they are exposed to material produced by others (tutors, professional developers and publishers). Students are then expected to demonstrate that they have gained understanding of the content in some way: oftentimes a single memory based exam. Student generated content (SGC) promotes a digital learning environment where students are prosumers (Sener 2007); that is, both content producers and consumers, co-creating, collaborating and sharing their work with other students. Meanwhile, the tutor takes on the role of facilitator encouraging students to search for a deeper understanding of the subject matter via discussion & analysis in seminars.
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Hej! Vet du om webinariet spelades in? Mvh Rebecca
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