torsdag 3 juni 2021

Webbinarium om utveckling av digitala kompetenser

Photo by Charles Deluvio on Unsplash

(European Distance and E-learning Network) fortsätter med sin webbinarieserie, måndag 7 juni 17:00 med en diskussion om hur vi kan använda det europeiska ramverket för digitala kompetenser inom utbildning, DigCompEdu, för att vidareutveckla lärares och studenters digitala kompetenser: Do we develop digital competences or digital skills? – DigCompEdu to balance your way through the storm.

The webinar dedicated to address these issues will address the challenges and needs that education institutions experience in digital competence development, will look at the proposal of new meta competences as suggestions for DigCompEdu, the maturity model proposal, and will discuss how the pandemic highlighted the need for development of digital competences.

De som ska diskutera detta är: Nicole Johnson (Research Director at the Canadian Digital Learning Research Association), Jochen Ehrenreich (Senior researcher at DHBW, Cooperative State University of Baden-Württemberg), Yasmin Djabarian (Program manager at Stifterverband in Berlin) och Stefano Menon (Project manager at Fondazione Politecnico di Milano). Moderatorn för mötet är Airina Volungevičienė (EDEN Digital Learning Europe, Vytautas Magnus University, Litauen).

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