onsdag 13 april 2022

Europeiska rapporter om utmaningar inom högre utbildning


Det europeiska projektet DIGI-HE har publicerat tre rapporter som sammanfattar längre diskussioner inom expertgrupper med representanter från ett flertal universitet, s.k. thematic peer groups. Rapporterna beskriver nuläget inom tre områden (utbildning och bedömning, strategi och organisation, internationella partnerskap) samt utmaningar och möjligheter för europeiska universitet. Projektet är ett samarbete mellan DIGI-HE och EUA (European University Association)

Ett webbinarium 21 april, Embedding DELT (digitally enhanced learning and teaching) into curriculum and assessment, kommer att diskutera en av dessa rapporter i mer detalj.

  • Curriculum and assessment
    This report highlights the multiple facets of curriculum and assessment in a digital environment, as well as challenges met by higher education institutions across Europe – such as reaching equity for all students, designing effective institutional strategies to embed DELT into curriculum, supporting teachers in experimenting and innovating with digital teaching, embedding assessment as integral part of curriculum, and developing students’ and teachers’ assessment literacy.
  • Strategy and organisational culture.
    The report explains why organisational culture is crucial to successfully implementing educational innovation and identifies various components that need to be included in an institutional strategy. It also suggests selected actions that institutions need to explore as they look to harness the transformative potential of DELT over the short, medium and long term.
  • International partnerships
    The report identifies different formats and approaches for digitally enhanced international partnerships, outlines a vision of the future of digitally enhanced internationalisation of higher education, highlights the key challenges that international partnerships face suggests a set of recommendations for universities, national and European institutions and the EdTech industry to overcome those challenges identified.

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