Photo by Dylan Ferreira on Unsplash |
Sedan september 2020 har statliga universitet tillgänglighetskrav enligt EU-direktiv. Det betyder bland annat att videomaterial ska textas. En artikel på Media & Learning, 75% of university lectures are inaccessible for students with auditory impairments, visar att få europeiska lärosäten lever upp till dessa krav. Artikeln sammanfattar en omfattande undersökning av 175 lärosäten i 15 länder, The State of Digital accessibility in Higher Education in Europe. Videoproduktion har ökat explosionsartat under pandemiåret men cirka 75% av allt material saknar textning. Det råder stor osäkerhet bland lärosäten om hur man ska uppfylla tillgänglighetskraven och vilka lösningar som är rimliga.
The results of this survey show that the use of video in higher education has become the new norm. While this development offers huge benefits for educators and for students, it becomes also apparent that digital accessibility has not been a priority for educators in the past months. Now, as this new situation becomes more and more normal, educators need to take the aspect of digital accessibility into account. Education should be inclusive – and technology can help to get a step closer towards becoming fully inclusive.
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