onsdag 18 maj 2022

Kommande webbinarier och workshops

Photo by Compare Fibre on Unsplash

Flera aktörer arrangerar intressanta digitala evenemang under de närmaste veckorna.

24 maj, 09:00-10:30. Workshop: Professionsutbildningar – utmaningar och möjligheter.
Olika yrken men många gemensamma utmaningar, inte minst kring hur man löser praktik och handledning på distans och i blandade lärmiljöer.Hur skapar man en yrkesidentitet på distans? Hur kan dessa professionsutbildningar lära av varandra i stället för att arbeta i stuprör?
Workshop med gruppdiskussioner. Arrangeras av UHR (Universitets- och högskolerådet).

25 maj, 16:00-17:00. How we can and should respond to the educational needs of those who have become refugees? 
The disruptions caused by war, oppressive regimes and environmental degradation are causing unprecedented levels of social dislocation and violence. To all this can now be added the shocking impact of war and invasion in Europe itself. Millions of people have had to flee just to stay alive. Individuals and families alike have been traumatised by this. We would like to explore the impact on educational needs and whether we can fashion interventions that somehow ease the pain while also providing a model of a way forward for those so impacted.
Arrangeras av EDEN (European Distance and E-learning Network).

2 juni, 14:00-15:15.Improving recognition through self-assessment: the “Spotlight on recognition” tool.
One of the key outcomes of the “Spotlight on recognition” project is a self-assessment tool that allows staff working in higher education institutions to evaluate to which extent their institution’s recognition procedures are in line with the Lisbon Recognition Convention and international good practice. The core of the tool is a table of self-assessment questions aligned with practical information on the legal framework governing recognition in Europe, the European Recognition Manual for Higher Education Institutions and other supporting materials. The tool thus aims to enable higher education institutions to respond to the LRC and the expectations for internal quality assurance as laid down in Standard 1.4 of the ESG. This webinar will invite participants to explore the tool, as well as the self-assessment approach at its core, in further detail.
Arrangeras av EUA (European Universities Association).

7 juni, 09:00-10:00. Temacafé: Hybrid i verkligheten – digitalt studiebesök i hybrida lärmiljöer.
Hybridundervisning och hybrida mötesmöjligheter har fått stor efterfrågan i spåren av pandemin men hur är det egentligen att vara digital deltagare i en hybriduppkoppling?
Arrangeras av UHR (Universitets- och högskolerådet)

14 juni, 16:00-17:00. What next for global higher education? 
In late May 2022, governments and universities from around the world will meet in Barcelona for the UNESCO World Higher Education Conference. This event aims to set out the global vision for higher education and higher education policies until 2030. The webinar will look at trends and ambitions for global higher education for the next decade, discussing how institutions and countries can work together for the benefit of a global knowledge community.
Arrangeras av EUA (European Universities Association).

15-17 juni. Konferens NU2022, Att synliggöra lärande. Sveriges största mötesplats för utveckling av högre utbildning. På plats i Stockholm eller digitalt.

20-22 juniEDEN 2022 Annual Conference, Shaping the digital transformation of the education ecosystem in Europe. Konferensen arrangeras på plats i Tallinn, Estland och digitalt. Anmäl dig via länken.

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