onsdag 5 maj 2021

Webbinarium om öppna lärresursers framtida roll

(European Distance and E-learning Network) fortsätter med sin webbinarieserie om utbildning i pandemins spår med en session, måndag 10 maj 17:00, om hur öppna lärresurser kommer att utvecklas framöver, Sharing and collaborating our way out of the storm.

In this webinar, we will identify whether OERs were a solution or being used in the last year in education; and how OERs may be used in the future. In our quest for shaping the future of higher education, do we consider open education a solution and OERs and practices as part of the education ecosystem? What problems might OERs help educators resolve and how we can harness the value of OERs for higher education? Can we consider the future of education is open and, if yes, what strategies can we use to make this happen?
De tre inbjudna talarna är Melissa Highton (Teaching and Web Services and Assistant Principal Online Learning at University of Edinburgh, Skottland), Stephen Downes (Digital Technologies Research Centre at the National Research Council of Canada) och jag.

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