tisdag 27 mars 2018

Konferens om digital examination

En europeisk konferens om digital examination, European conference on digital exams and assessment (ECDEA 2018) hålls i Göteborg 8-9 juni. De flesta universitet och högskolor testar eller implementerar  digitala examinationer och det finns ett stort behov av erfarenhetsutbyte och nätverksskapande. Konferensen är den första inom området att hållas i Europa.

This is the first European conference focusing exclusively on use of digital methods for exams and assessment. It will initially focus on high-stakes business such as medical board exams, but with a broader general focus as well. The presenters are some of Europe's most qualified leaders from various exam and assessment organizations. The event will also host training sessions, Day 1 and 2, on common challenges such as how to write good exam questions, statistical methods, different assessment methods, organizational aspects as well as other tips and tricks.

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