Photo by Julia M Cameron from Pexels |
Projektmötet var en succé tack vare noggrann planering med tydliga mål för varje punkt på agendan, rättvis rollfördelning och ansvarsområden och hänsyn till varje deltagares vardag (pauser för att ta hand om barn, hämta energi mm).
We demonstrated empathy, trust, respect and flexibility. In the preparation stage, we understood that some partners might have family commitments not compatible with the meeting schedule, and adapted where necessary. We discussed the implications for people in a different time zone. During the meeting itself, we listened attentively, and collaborated fully in the work that was set by each of the output leaders. We paid attention to surfacing different visions and addressed these respectfully. As one partner said:“Our disagreements are soooo constructive!”För att nå alla mål med mötet krävdes mycket tydlig styrning och att alla repekterade de angivna tidsramarna. Ordföranderollen var mycket viktig. Enligt en deltagare:
“I think it requires a lot more discipline than in a F2F meeting, and it puts a lot more stress on the organiser to be polite but brutal with time management!”
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