måndag 14 december 2020

European Teaching and Learning Forum 2021

Konferensen European Teaching and Learning Forum 2021 arrangeras 18-19 februari av EUA (European Universities Association). Årets tema är hållbarhet inom högre utbildning, Embedding and facilitating sustainability, med fokus på FNs hållbara utvecklingsmål. Under konferensen kommer talare från flera europeiska universitet att presentera innovativa utbildningar och strategier och hur framför allt hur de jobbar tillsammans med sina studenter för att skapa hållbara lösningar.

The path towards a sustainable future does not only require revolutionary technologies, but also and foremost adequate education. The 2021 European Learning & Teaching Forum will explore how learning and teaching ensures access to the knowledge and skills needed to reach the UN Sustainable Development Goals and accomplish the transformations that our societies and economies require. It will also invite participants to reflect on whether the organisation of learning and teaching at their own institutions is delivered in an economically, environmentally and socially sustainable manner. Through a mix of plenary and parallel sessions, the Forum provides a platform for discussion on how universities enhance learning and teaching, while also presenting the work of the 2020 EUA Learning & Teaching Thematic Peer Groups.
Konferensen är självklart digital.

Se programmet.
Mer information och anmälan.

Här ser du en kort film om EUA med organisationens president, Michael Murphy.

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