Vi ser att internet och digitalisering håller på att radikalt förändra många områden i våra liv, inte minst utbildning. En ny filmserie, The day before tomorrow, undersöker hur olika branscher påverkas av digitalisering och del 2 handlar om utbildning (se hela avsnittet nedan). Filmen målar upp en bild av ett föråldrat utbildningssystem som inte utrustar sina elever/studenter med de kompetenser som behövs i ett digitalt samhälle.
- In a world where we have access to a near-infinite amount of information, why is it that out education systems are pretty much the same as they were in the 1800s? We talk to some amazing people looking to transform the world of learning from the model formed in the industrial revolution to one suited to the information revolution.
Filmen har inte tagits emot positivt av alla. En artikel på MerlinJohn Online, Forget tomorrow - digital disruption is today, menar att nästan inga lärare eller forskare syns i filmen, i synnerhet inte de som sedan länge har arbetat med nätbaserat lärande och digital kompetens med stora framgångar. Filmen borde ha lyft fram flera goda exempel på innovativa lärare, skolor och universitet.
- While The Day Before Tomorrow asks many of the right questions, and has some worthy contributors, ... it fails to recognise the fact that many teachers and students, and academics and education leaders, are already wrestling with the challenges of making learning more relevant and engaging. And their views would have breathed life into the story of education systems in danger of losing relevance and ripe for disruption. It would also have been good to have had a mention of educators with a track record for successful change who are now focused on systemic reform.
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