fredag 1 november 2019

Universitetets roll i samhället - EUA-konferens 2020 i Gdansk

Hur mäter vi högre utbildningens bidrag till samhällsutveckling? Hur kommunicerar vi detta och hur kan vi bidra till att lösa framtidens stora utmaningar? Dessa frågor kommer att diskuteras vid EUAs (European Universities Association) 2020 EUA Annual Conference vid Gdańsk University of Technology i Polen, 16-17 april 2020. Årets tema är Universities building a better Europe och så här beskriver EUA konferensens syfte:

Universities play a crucial role in creating knowledge and fostering democratic and sustainable societies. Their impact on wellbeing and the development of a thriving, competitive Europe stems from educating future leaders, professionals, researchers and citizens. It equally comes from curiosity-driven research aimed at identifying and meeting the broad challenges we all face and outreach to local and global industry and governments to foster much-needed innovation. Yet demonstrating and communicating universities’ impact at the societal level is a challenge in itself. Universities need strong leadership, a focused strategic approach, as well as coordinated efforts across Europe and beyond. The 2020 EUA Annual Conference will provide a platform to explore how universities are making a difference, how their impact can be maximised and how to give visibility to their key role in addressing broad challenges.

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