fredag 12 mars 2021

Den digitala omställningen och utbildningskvalitet - global översikt

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ICDE (International Council for Open and Distance Education) har publicerat en rapport som kartlägger hur den digitala omställningen har påverkat öppen, nätbaserad och flexibel utbildning i ett globalt perspektiv: ICDE Quality Network report: Global Quality Perspectives on Open, Online and Flexible Learning 2020. Rapporten ger en bra översikt på hur omställningen har påverkat utbildningskvaliteten i alla världsdelar, hur olika länder har reagerat och vilka utmaningar som väntar.

The reports from World Regions on the impact on quality of open, online, flexible and distance education in 2020 have given the global community of educators and policy makers a snapshot of educational systems in rapid transition. The COVID19 pandemic has closed campuses everywhere, and made the deployment of remote and off-campus technology supported systems an imperative in those parts of the world where they were possible. The outcomes for quality of learning and teaching have been mixed, not surprisingly given the absence of adequate notice, adequate hardware and download technology, or professional development.
Ladda ner rapporten som pdf-fil.

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