onsdag 15 mars 2017

Konferenser på gång

Det fins ett stort utbud av intressanta konferenser inom IKT och lärande. Här kommer fyra:
  • EADL konferens, Presence at a Distance: Technologies and Methods for Learner Engagement. Köpenhamn 18-19 maj.
  • eMOOCs 2017 i Madrid 22-26 maj. Idag är det Europa som leder MOOC-utvecklingen. Konferensen lyfter fram innovativa projekt och forskning inom området.

    - Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) have marked a milestone in the use of technology for education. The reach, potential, and possibilities of MOOCs are immense. But they are not only restricted to global outreach: the same technology can be used to improve teaching on campus and training inside companies and institutions.
  • World learning summit, Smart universities i Kristiansand, Norge 6-10 juni. Fokus på innovation och nya modeller inomhögre utbildning.

    - Technologies are changing the face of learning, education and society. A surprisingly small number of companies own that world change. So, is the future of learning and education open? Do we foresee a sustainable future learning space available to all? Is learning and education the last digital frontier in a world of disruption and change foreseen by few -- if any? 
  • OEB MidSummit i Reykjavik, 8-9 juni. Online Educa Berlin är Europas största konferens om e-lärande. Nu arrangerar de även en sommarkonferens, i år på Island.

    - OEB MidSummit is a two day Mid-Atlantic event which will explore the complexity of learning in the digital era. It will bring together leading experts, thinkers, innovators and practitioners from North America and Europe to examine and discuss the future of learning.
  • EDEN 2017 i Jönköping, 13-16 juni. Du behöver inte åka så långt för att delta i en internationell konferens i år när European Distance and E-learning Network (EDEN) håller sin årliga konferens i Jönköping.

    - How do educators deal with diversity in media and technology enhanced learning environments? How can such diversity be accounted for and used to transform and adapt online learning settings? How do educators, stakeholders and policy makers meet digital inequalities? What are the new challenges for teachers and educators in the new media landscapes to create meaningful contexts for learning?

3 kommentarer:

slaatto sa...

Vil du ikke også ta med EADL-Nordisk i København 18. og 19. mai !
Hilsen Torhild

slaatto sa...

Husk også EADL-Nordisk 18. og 19. mai i København!

Alastair Creelman sa...

Den var med för några veckor sedan men jag kan visst lägga till den här också.