måndag 14 februari 2022

Öppna kurser i digital utbildning

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Erasmus+ projektet DigiTeL Pro erbjuder tre intressanta fortbildningskurser för lärare som vill lära sig mer om undervisning på nätet och i hybridlösningar. 

Synchronous and Hybrid Education. 14 veckor. Start 17 mars. 
This course propels you to different learning environments with simultaneous online and F2F-presence. We tackle the concept of hybrid learning & teaching, discuss student engagement in this context, and help you understand the spatial and technological needs.

Blended Education. 16 veckor. Start 23 mars.
This course is about how to design and develop blended education and teaching (a deliberate combination of online and offline learning activities). Based on what we've learned from COVID Teaching and in the EMBED project you will apply concepts to adapt to a more inclusive and engaging blended learning experience, through guidelines and pedagogies leading to mature and high-quality education.

Online Education. 14 veckor, start mars. 
The DigiTel Pro Course for Online Teaching and Learning provides strategies and resources to successfully design and implement teaching and learning solutions in online environments. The course encourages reflection and active participation.

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